
The duo consists of the double German beatboxing champion Mando and the voice imitator and vocal acrobats ChloroPhil. It all started in 2003 with a session at Bar11 in Berlin Kreuzberg! ChloroPhil is the local beatboxer there and his reputation precedes him. When Mando randomly entered the bar, the audience wanted to see a battle. Instead, this was the founding of the band “4xSample”.

Beatboxing was largely unknown at this time. The active scene was manageable and the mouth-made sounds were not mature yet. At the same time, the possibilities to imitate sounds or to create new ones seemed limitless. Without beatboxing teachers or instructional videos from the internet you had to try out the motto “Learning by doing” at that time. Each individual sound or sound combination was a piece of pioneering work.

During this creative work, Mando and Phil learned their individual strengths. They grew together to form a perfect unity. Thanks to their great enthusiasm for experimenting, their sensitivity to clever musical arrangements and their secure stage presence, a brilliant show was created, which goes far beyond beatboxing. For the 10th anniversary of the band, they recorded this spectacular live show on their DVD called “Lippendisco”. After the tour bearing the same name, the CD “Full Problemo” was released shortly afterwards, on which you can hear a whole new facet of beatboxing. Guitar, loop station and beatboxing meet rap and vocals. All this melts into the unmistakable sound of the 4xSample Beatboxcrew.

At present, Mando and ChloroPhil are involved in exciting performances and international projects. They receive one award after another. In 2015, at the biggest Beatboxing World Championship to date, they were able to bring the World Vice Champion title to Germany. They play in various theatres and musical pieces and are known from radio and television. They sometimes even show up on big cinema screens. They are among the best beatboxers in the world and are by far the most successful beatboxing duo in Germany.




Deutscher Meister

Gewinner der 1. Langen Nacht der Talente von Radio Fritz! 
Gewinner des Stummfilmwettbewerbes Cinema Mobile
Deutscher Vizemeister beim Loopercontest von Roland/Boss
Deutscher Meister 
Gewinner des Urban Style Beatboxbattle
Maximum Respekt Award
Europameister bei La Cup Beatbox - European Championship
Weltmeister des Grand Beatbox Internationalen Loopstation Battle in Basel im Rahmen des BScene Festival 2015:

Vize Weltmeister


TV, Theatre & Movies

RTL: Stern TV

Pro 7: TV-Total, Galileo, Taff

Sat.1: Nild Ruf Show

Nikolodeon: Alles Nick

ARD: Tigerenten Club

ZDF: Kleines Fernsehspiel mit Love, Peace & Beatbox, The Notorious F.R.O.G.

Rbb: Thadeusz

Arte: 150 Jahre Wilhelm Busch

Deutsches Theater: „Othello“ William Shakespeare Inszenierung Jette Steckel

Admirals Palast: „Theater Sport Freestyle“

Stadttheater Senftenberg „Ein Kind vor unserer Zeit“ Nicole Oder

Stadttheater Rostock „Ein Kind vor unserer Zeit“ Nicole Oder

Heimat Hafen Neukölln: Peng! Peng! Boateng!

- Love, Peace & Beatbox

- Notorious F.R.O.G.

- Return of the Moonwalker

- Directions Chirikure Chirikure

- Berlin- Bronx Connection



Brandenburger Tor: Eröffnungsshow Leichtathletik Weltmeisterschaft




Quatsch Comedy Club

Zitadelle Spandau

Admirals Palast

Dortmunder Westfalenhalle

Dresdner Landtag



Abgeordnetenhaus Berlin

Beatboxbattle/ Frankreich

Goethe Institut: Deutschland, Tunesien, Spanien u. Indonesien

SinSin: New York/USA

RedBull Challenge: Dubai

Youth Days Filmfestival: Estland

Def Jam

Neujahres Feier: Schweiz

Wachsfiguren Museum: Budapest; Mufu: Perm

O2 World: Alba-Berlin;

Waldbühne Berlin


music teaser





Mando Solo

Guitar & Beatbox

B. Beatbox 4xsample




Dan Lucas - Frank Nimsgern - Dieter Hallervorden - Jasmin Wagner - Calico Skies - Kommando Grimm - Prager Symphonie Orchester  - Joko Winterscheidt - Oliver Pocher -  The Best of Black Gospel - Verona Pooth - Lisa Feller -  Andrew "The Bullet" Lauer - Matze Knob - Chris Grey & The BlueSpand - 4xSample Beatbox Crew - Sarah Lesch - Bethanien Kinderdörfer - Veranstaltungsbüro Wünsch - Konzertbüro Leipzig - Golden Ticket - Brücken Center Ansbach - Weingut Wasem Ingelheim am Rhein - Heinlein Plastik GmbH - Buchner GmbH & Co. KG - Förderzentrum St. Laurentius Neuendettelsau -  Vital Center Ansbach- Bundesjugenhilfe Musikprojekt - Bundesverband Katholischer Einrichtungen - One Nation Spendengala -

ATBL-MUSIC Jam Night uvm.



Am Hirtenfeld 53b

91522 Ansbach

Telefon: +49 (0) 981 977 666 77

Email: info@atbl-music.com

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